The Morning Mishap

for a friend's dream coffee shop.




Brand Development


a funny brand and name

Welcome to The Morning Mishap!

A (currently) fictional coffee shop for a friend who dreams of opening his own cafe business one day. He asked be to create a fun brand – including the name! – for him when he does decide to go forth on that dream.

figuring out the name

Names were inspired by puns, inside jokes (but also made sense towards a general customer), and the classy but basic ones.

I mean, ideate and iterate until something sticks – right?

Eventually, my three friends and I got together and discussed as a group which names we liked. Noveltea was a good pun – but we looked it up and realized that there are many tea places with ‘-tea’ in the end. Beanie Meanie was funny, but it didn’t reflect his personality. The Morning Mishap was perfect. Luis is a man of mistakes; Coffee can cause many blunders. With a good attitude though, these accidents can become stories – and what’s the point of living without experiencing a few mishaps?

what’s a brand without a logo?

Cracks of cups and splashes of the joe slowly became the motif of this shop.

“The” was the hardest word to put in this logo. It’s weird to put it in the same importance as the other two words, but it also seems off-putting and distracting when making it small.

fun brand items

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